First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

First Baptist Church of Herndon Blogs

If Not Now - When?

I stood in front of my closet deciding what to wear to work. A particular blouse was calling my name but the sleeve style, while lovely, had not proven to be practical for most situations. Then I thought, if not now, when? It was not doing me any good hanging in my closet. I put it on and headed off to work.

Author: Linda Soller | Apr 15, 2019

The Promises of Spring

Last week we talked about spring cleaning our faith. It can be challenging with all the bad news out there. But the promise of spring is hope. New life blossoms all around us. Perennials return to their glory for another year, and I am not talking about plants!

Author: Linda Soller | Apr 08, 2019

Spring Cleaning?

Spring did finally arrive. With the official date noted on our calendars we hope, no we expect, a change in our weather. We think it will feel a bit warmer, fresher, with spring rains pouring over our gardens and sweetening the air.

Author: Linda Soller | Apr 01, 2019

A Funny Story

This blog is an extension of our Drop-In Class at First Baptist Church. In our class we smile and laugh, a lot! I find humor serves multiple purposes at church. I think it reduces stress. I feel like it is welcoming. I know it can spread joy. I hope our laughter is music to God’s ears.

Author: Linda Soller | Mar 25, 2019

Sometimes It Works

Sometimes I feel like my blog deals with so much pain, but now and then there is something to smile about. A recent story described an older couple in North Carolina who had a leaky roof. This was not just any leaky roof. The leaks required multiple tubs and dumping of those tubs to keep them in somewhat dry conditions. There was no money for repairs

Author: Linda Soller | Mar 18, 2019

Catch a Break

A woman stopped to offer a donation to a homeless man. As the story went there was also a woman with a baby. She gave the money to the woman and the man came to the window to supposedly thank her but killed her instead. Across the country people were appalled.

Author: Linda Soller | Mar 11, 2019

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722