We are an open school. We encourage parents to participate in various activities. Please contact your child's teacher if you are interested in helping in your child's classroom, i.e. reading to the children, helping with crafts, music, cooking, field trips etc.
We have two teachers in every classroom and maintain 1-5 ratio in the 2 and 1/2 and 3-year-old classrooms, and a 1-6 ratio in the 4 and 5-year-old classrooms.
Each child must have a backpack and lunch box (bag lunches are fine). All personal belongings such as a Thermos, coats, hats, etc. must be labeled. It is important for you to check your child's backpack daily for information and artwork.
We do have a quiet time which includes individual reading and working on puzzles while the teachers clean up after lunch. Rest mats are provided for the youngest classroom.
FBC WEEkday Preschool strives to use positive guidance in the event of negative behavior. Time out is given for repeated occurrences of negative behavior.
If you wish to talk with your child's teacher regarding progress, please make arrangements with the teacher for a time outside of the normal school hours.
All teachers provide notebooks for each child. These books are used for communication between you and the teacher, RE: play dates, early pick-up requests, questions, anything else. Please check this daily for any messages the teacher may have.