First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

And then it was Wednesday

Linda Soller | Feb 05, 2024

On the prior Saturday I had checked my calendar for last week and it was nice and clear. I thought the down time would be a welcome change. Even the weather reports were looking good.  I like snow well enough, but I also like being able to do what I need to get done without having to shovel my drive.  Sunday went well. It was good to see everyone at church. Later that day we had a fit of decluttering at home. If you only knew how much I love a good decluttering. Monday flew by in a flurry of routine chores, errands, and visits. Tuesday was a bit different as I had to take my husband to and from an appointment. Once it got off schedule it became and all day event. The next day I awoke and thought “and then it was Wednesday.” I realized I had class for the first half of the day and had added appointments and activities to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Wednesday morning I found myself feeling like my week was gone. How did I get here?


I’m sure you’ve had those types of weeks. They start out in one direction and somewhere along the way the take a hard turn. I couldn’t really blame someone else because I either initiated or agreed to each and every item on my schedule. Yes, if we want to be picky, I guess you could say I was productive. But what happened to my wide-open low-key week? On Wednesday I was second guessing myself. It didn’t help that it was cold, cloudy, and well, dismal outside.


Now as I look back on the empty week which became a very busy, I’m hard pressed to think of which, if any, of the activities I wished had been left off the schedule. Each one was useful, most were enjoyable, few were really too time consuming, and in the end, it was all good. I’m trying to say that it can be all too easy to languish in the land of  “what could have been” and miss the here and now. Each day is such a gift, each opportunity can be such a blessing. This week I’m going to say, “and it’s only Wednesday!”


Be kind, be brave, have faith!  : )   Linda


681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722