First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Spying on Woody

Linda Soller | Feb 06, 2023

It was a clear chilly morning. We had gotten a dusting of snow overnight. I stood at my backdoor watching the birds at the feeder when I caught a glimpse of a much larger bird swooping through. Immediately I started surveying the treetops where I had seen the motion. After a few minutes I saw some red. Based on the size and the colors it had to be our neighborhood pileated woodpecker who I fondly refer to as Woody, after the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker. Okay, so I’m not very original. Anyway, I grabbed our birdwatching telescope in hopes I could locate him and bring it into focus before he flew away. He was so high up, and there were a number of trees between us to block my view. Then I saw him. He was framed in my lens. It was as though we were only a few feet apart, and it was magical. For a good fifteen minutes I watched this beautiful creature just being himself. Nature is so amazing. Woody has on occasion drilled holes in my wood sided house. I wasn’t happy then. But now when I think of him pecking away at the dead branch of a big old tree, I have to admit he had only done what comes naturally.


As I stood and spied on Woody I thought of the times when we watch people, and pass judgement. We do it so easily without knowing anything about them. We don’t approve of their appearance or their behavior. We aren’t going up to them to discuss our opinions, we just spy on them from our car, park bench, or maybe as we walk past. We think surely, they know what they are doing is rude, or the way they present themselves is unbecoming. Then again, maybe they don’t, and maybe we are the only ones who find their actions rude or appearance offensive. When we are spying on people, we seldom stop to consider the later.


Spying on Woody was a treat. Appreciating one of God’s beautiful creations was delightful. And even after a few unrequested holes in our siding I still consider Woody to be a blessing. One of God’s creatures, just like the rest of us.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722