First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

What Brings You Joy?

Linda Soller | Dec 12, 2022

If asked what brings you joy, would you have a ready answer? Joy is one of those feelings/emotions that can be so different for each person. Some are drawn to things. That’s okay. I just mean they find joy in the tangible, something they can hold in their hand, hang on their wall, wear, or maybe eat. Others find joy in activities such as camping or swimming or laying in the sun. Not a bad thing because those types of activities may build skills and/or memories. There are many, but maybe not enough, who find joy in being impactful. These are our volunteers, first responders, those called to teach, and neighborly folks. The last group that comes to my mind are those who find joy in the lives of others. This group might follow the lives of movie stars or athletes, they might watch reality T.V. or try to duplicate what someone else has in their own life. I consider this a type of escapism and really, we all need to escape from time to time. 


This is my long-winded way of suggesting that you consider what brings you joy without judgement or guilt. Just give it some serious thought. I suspect you will find you may fall in to more than one of the groups noted. Again, I think that’s okay. But I believe we all need to continue to grow from our experiences. And growth takes thought and time spent internalizing lessons learned. 


Recently I introduced myself to a stranger, a “Celebrity” in their special field. I was nervous. But I’m so glad I did because stepping out of my comfort zone taught me two real-life lessons. What were they you ask? First, I now know I’m more confident than I give myself credit for and secondly not everyone is affected by their fame. They can be welcoming to a stranger, they can actually hold a conversation (a brief one), and they can even make you feel less nervous. The combination of those lessons brought me joy.


Be the love in the world  : )   Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722