First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620


Linda Soller | Nov 07, 2016

I did not have one Trick or Treater come to my door! I was disappointed, but not entirely unfamiliar with the situation. We don’t live in an area conducive to safe trick or treating. It’s really dark and there are no sidewalks. It’s just that this year we have three children who live on our pipe-stem and I thought surely they would stop by. I was a witch in waiting. I sat in my costume, my witch hat handy if the doorbell rang. Lights on the front of the house showed someone was there. Candy was in a large bowl by the door with my Owl sitting right beside the bowl for a spooky effect. She isn’t a real Owl, if you are wondering. The only thing missing were the costumed children shouting trick or treat.

Sometimes in life we cling to traditions even when our rational minds say not to do so. Every year I buy candy just in case, and every year I end up taking it in to my office the next day. I drag out my witch hat, put on all black clothing, grab my Owl, and wait. I do it because I hate to let go of the tradition, and also because I am an optimist. Should this be the year I have children come by, I want to be prepared. I am hopeful.

This week is election week. Like Halloween the presidential election is full of traditions. Candidates bashing each other, both pointing out what is wrong with the other. And “we the people” wait patiently just in case they decide to really discuss the issues, or what they would do in office, or perhaps offer up some positive reason why they are truly the best person for the job. When they don’t do those things we are disappointed, but not entirely surprised by this familiar situation. Admittedly this election has been scary to some of us, we fear the aftermath, we hear a level of meanness in the speeches which I don’t remember hearing before, but it wouldn’t be happening if “we the people” didn’t permit it.

The Trick or Treaters missed an opportunity to gather a lot of candy when they didn’t show at my house. They, or their parents, calculated the effort against the return, and I hate to say it, but they lost out. Did I say I had lots of candy? This week I will go on election day. I will stand in line, and I will vote. I will think of all the people around the world who do not have such an opportunity, and of all those who fought to preserve this opportunity for us, and I will not be scared or bullied into staying away or thinking my vote does not count. “We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union…” is the how the preamble to our Constitution begins. Not the candidates, not the political parties, not the media, or the fame seekers are noted at the beginning of the Constitution, but “we the people” are.  Elections with peaceful transitions of power are two traditions worth fighting for, worth voting for. For our children, and our future, we must decide the effort is worth the return no matter what the results. And yes, I am hopeful.

 May God watch over us and keep us strong!    : o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722