First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

What I did for Love

Linda Soller | Feb 16, 2015

If you’ve ever seen the play or the movie, A Chorus Line, you most likely have a favorite song. I actually really like all of them, “One” (Singular Sensation) is arguably the most recognizable. Can’t you just see the sparkling kick line? The other song I really love is “What I did for Love” by David Guetta. Diana and a few of the other dancers, not selected, sing of no regrets. It’s a moving song that deals with using the talent they have while they can. It’s a love song between the dancer and what they love most, dancing. I’m not really going to dwell on the dancing, although it’s a favorite topic having raised two daughters who love dance. What I find so touching in the play is the love and dedication of the dancers toward their art. They love dance and give it their all.

When you were a kid chances are you dreamed of one day being a professional athlete, or a singer, or any number of other professional people. Maybe you played little league or took hours of piano lessons. At some point along the way two things probably got your attention. First you realized your dream would require work. Maybe more work than you wanted to put in. Secondly you began to understand your dream required a level of talent or inclination you might not have. What did you do? Most of us adjusted our dream, which is not necessarily a bad or sad thing. Some of us clung on to the dream until it was so clear it was out of our reach we finally accepted defeat. Still others seem to go on no matter what. Just watch some of the American Idol auditions. Even if you turned from your original dream you probably applied your interests and talents in another direction.

I met a man who played his sport at a professional level. He said he had a very limited memory of his high school years because he spent all of his time perfecting his skills. He did play his sport professionally, but only for a brief time. Now, much older, he wonders if it was the best use of his talents. What is it you do? Yes, you. You have a talent. As a matter of fact, you most likely have more than one. So what is it you do with your talent? What do you love enough to give your time and energy to? I invite you to consider the question for a moment. Sometimes we don’t pause and make connections like we should. Do you coach, do you teach, do you sing in a group, cheer on a team, or take care of the needy in your life? Any and all of those things require talent. You look confused. Talent isn’t only in the arts, it doesn’t have to be performed on a stage or played on a field. Maybe your talent is patience. Maybe it is gardening, or even listening. Hey, listening is a true art these days! What do you love to do, and do you share it?

God gives us all something which enables us to serve Him and to give back. Call it talent, call it a gift, or call it a trait, but recognize it for what it is. It’s God given, and meant to be used. When you have faith and love the Lord you will be given opportunities to use that “thing” you have which makes you special. Here’s the catch, you will also be able to hide it away, leave it alone, or ignore it. You see He lets you decide. God knows you are aware of what you can do in this world and how you can serve Him, but He doesn’t force it on you. He wants you to do it out of love. Picture yourself sitting on a bare stage, in the backyard, or on a front porch with a child staring up at you. Hear yourself saying, “And that is what I did for love.” How will the words to your song go?

Have a great week! :o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722