First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

The Prayer Chain Link

Linda Soller | Aug 29, 2022

At our church we have an active prayer chain. Members on the chain have submitted their emails to our administrator. Prayer and praise requests are submitted, and the administrator simply turns them around and sends them out. It isn’t that we feel we have a particularly direct line to God above the prayers of any one individual, it is the feeling of support and community of faith we gain from focusing our prayers. It is one link of a prayer chain.


It has been my experience that people tend to see a prayer chain in one of two ways. That is if they consider a prayer chain at all. One group sees it as a tool for gossip. They have no interest in sharing personal events with others. The other group sees it as a tool for building trust and support. They want to be there for others and appreciate others being there for them. This second group is another link in a prayer chain.


Some prayer chains have restrictions on the subject matter for prayers or praise. While ours tends to be for things of impact and significance, it’s not restricted to our current church members. We have people who previously attended our church, as well as people who simply know someone who attends our church, request our prayers. That may seem odd to you if you don’t use or have never heard of a prayer chain. We feel as Christians we should include anyone who wishes to pray with us. Just another link. 


I must say there is no promise that using a prayer chain will magically grant you what you want. It doesn’t claim to. The prayer chain is really there to reinforce your voice, empower your hope and resolve, and to wrap you in the knowledge that others are actively thinking and praying with you and/or for you. A powerful link in the chain.


Recently I have sent out prayer requests and praises. The peace and calm it brought to my mind to have my friends and fellow Christians in prayer with me has been invaluable.  When the links of a prayer chain come together it makes for a wonderful circle of faith and friendship. 



Be the love in the world  :o) 

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722