First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Peeking Out

Linda Soller | Apr 25, 2022

One of the things I love about spring is how lacey the trees and shrubs look.  Leaves are slowly emerging. The woods and yards start to fill in, and then one day, as if by magic the world is in full bloom. I like to think this process is nature peeking out to see if the time is right. This year more than others, in recent memory, I get the concept of peeking out. I have purchased ferns for my front porch pots and my fern garden. One day I have them out in the sun and air then I see the forecast for near freezing nighttime temperatures so I drag them back under cover. This back and forth has been going on for two weeks now, as I wait for the consistent improvement in the environment.


I feel like people are using this same process, as we peek out to see if the pandemic coast is clear to mingle and mix with our friends, neighbors, and even our families.  They say we are not required to wear masks, but some of us still do. Some of us aren’t ready to emerge from the security of our cover. And that’s okay. Churches encourage their congregations to return to in person services. It’s important for the congregation to feel connected and supported. But the convenience of virtual services is alluring and reassuring to many. And that’s okay. 


Driving home from church on Easter Sunday I could not help but notice how many people were out and about, and how much fuller the church parking lots appeared. I think there was a lot of peeking out going on. Easter is the joyous celebration of our risen Savior and the call to be present is strong. Not everyone was ready. And that’s okay. But I am hopeful that soon life and faith will be back in full bloom.


Every plant does not bloom at the same time. But they all must peek out before they can blossom.


Be the love in the world  :o)

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722