First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Which Side of You?

Linda Soller | May 06, 2019

Don’t we all decide what we want people to see when we interact with them? You can feel lousy one day but put on a happy face for a stranger. So which side of you is real? 


My five-year-old granddaughter says she loves horses. I decided to take her to a horse show where she would see horses up-close and in action. We arrived prepared with snacks and a backpack full of her stuffed horses, so they could “cheer for their favorites”. An elderly couple came in and sat on the low bleachers beside us. I helped the lady make her way to her seat. She looked at me and said, “Do I know you?” I replied “no”, and before I could say another word she asked my name. She was so cheerful and excited to be there. Her husband smiled at me and quietly said, “We have Alzheimer’s and come because she showed horses as a child.” As we interacted with his wife he smiled and mouthed a thank you. They seemed like such lovely caring people. During the event the man took a call on his cell phone. He made no effort to speak softly and much of what came out of his mouth was negative and judgmental. Was he trying to impress the person he was speaking to or was I just seeing his other side?


Some saw Jesus only as a miracle worker. They were interested in what He could do for them. Others saw Jesus as a teacher and hung on His every word. Still others knew Him as a friend. He was all those things and more. Believing requires that we embrace all sides of Jesus. As His followers that translates that we need to own and deal with all sides of ourselves, even the ones we are not so proud of.  We need to understand the impact we have on other people. When there is conflict, we must decide how we will respond outwardly regardless of how we may feel inside. We can choose to be part of the solution or part of the problem. The gift of free will provides endless opportunities for good and for the not so good. Which side of you does the world see?


Have a blessed week! :o) Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722