First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

A Matter of Priorities

Linda Soller | Jan 14, 2013

It is 14 days in to the New Year and your New Year’s resolution. So let me ask, how is that working for you? I must admit I’m not big on resolutions. It’s not because I think they are bad, it’s because I am bad at them. I have had my fair share of resolutions, which are most likely familiar to you. I resolved to lose weight, exercise more, read more, eat less sugar, wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. After all was said and done I didn’t respond well to waking up on New Years Day facing a life change. I have found that I actually responded better to making those changes along the way by setting priorities. A good friend of mine, and a Do Drop, often asks me if I sleep. It’s her way of teasing me for taking on one more thing to do. I laugh and say yes, because I do. I just work hard to get things done in my waking hours.

Working your faith in to your busy life can be like taking on a really tough resolution; it can be daunting. You know the story, you mean well, you wish you got to church more often, read your Bible more, said your prayers regularly, you think you will do better, but more often than not you run out of time. I was no different, but then I realized I needed to work my life around my faith. I don’t always succeed.  I often fail, but like a missing that day of exercise I tell myself not to give up and to start fresh again the next day and as many days after that as it takes.

Remember when Jesus was in town and dropped by at Mary and Martha’s house. Martha, a type A for sure, was running around setting up the meal, working hard to make a good impression on everyone. When she realized her sister Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening intently and not helping. Martha marched over to Jesus and asked that he tell Mary to get up off her lazy bum and help. Okay, so she didn’t use those words exactly. Jesus surprised Martha. He told her that indeed Mary had the right idea. I feel Martha’s pain, because it’s not easy for type A’s to let go. It took me a long time to understand how this lesson so gently given by Jesus affected me. Over time I began to see that by making my faith the priority, the other earthly parts of my life fell in to place. It still requires that I focus and not get carried away with my need to achieve, but it does work. It’s just a matter of priorities.

Have a great week :o) Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722