First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Hidden in Plain Sight

Linda Soller | Nov 28, 2016

The deer population in my neck of the woods is very large. When driving along our busy two lane roads, especially at dusk, one has to be vigilant to avoid a collision. On this particular evening, heading home from work, I was trying hard to be attentive. I thought I was being adequately observant. Suddenly, not ten yards in front of me, stood a young buck in the middle of my side of the road. He was staring straight at me. He blended perfectly with the grey road surface and brown tree trunks. How do they do that? I was able to stop in time. Fortunately, no one was following too closely behind me. Our eyes met briefly, then he turned back toward the side of the road and leapt out off into the woods. Suddenly he had disappeared. He had been hidden to me, hidden and yet in plain sight. In those split seconds I thought to myself, how had I not seen him as I approached? I felt relief that I hadn’t hit him, then relief I had not been hit in my sudden stop. My heart raced, it had been a close call, and my actions had made a difference for the deer and for me.

Advent begins this week and with it the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Decorations go up, food is prepared, and shopping becomes the number one pastime. Yet despite all the joy and cheer there is misery around the world. Children go hungry, maybe even your neighbors. Violence rages and it knows no age or color or faith. Drought burns and floods wash away. The result is a world in need.

This Advent season let us pray for peace and harmony. Let us pray that people may have the food they need to survive. Let us take action and do our part to bring positive change. Let us not be complacent, excuse ourselves from seeing what is around us, or stop paying attention. As we drive through each day, let us be vigilant so that the troubles around us do not become hidden in plain sight. You can act, and make a difference.

Let Advent begin in you!    : o)  Linda 

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722