First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

The Process we call Life!

Linda Soller | Mar 21, 2016

The other day a friend was juggling conflicting schedules and needs. She was being pulled in multiple directions and trying to “do it all.” I told her you really can’t, at least not all of the time. Sometimes, you have to make a choice to not get something done, or to not be somewhere, or to not juggle too much. Sometimes, you just have to let something go. Making your choices carefully can be the difference between surviving the tug of war and falling victim to the process. Life is a process. We constantly move in the direction of change, learning, surviving, growing, and hopefully thriving. We take steps in the direction we want to head, or the direction set for us. Day in and day out we participate in the process.

Another friend is in between churches. She became disenchanted with the church she attended, but has not found another one to meet her needs. She can name where she doesn’t see herself, but can’t tell you why. A group of us were chatting and suggested she needed to try some of the denominations, she had so far resisted, to see if they were what she expected. Finding a church home is a process. We told her to walk in the doors, and assured her when it was right she would know. We encouraged her to let the process work, without putting up barriers.

Jesus walked ever closer to Jerusalem knowing what waited for Him. He used the journey to share stories which would resonate with the people He met along the way and the generations to follow. He understands from firsthand experience how difficult it is to endure a process which is not always pleasant. He knows our frustrations and worries as daily life seems to overshadow the bigger goal. He has experience with rejection. He knows what it means to rely on others for food and shelter. He has experience with great friendships and betrayals. Jesus went through the process we call life so He can be there to help us on our journey.

Easter approaches with an air of celebration not sadness. We understand the crucifixion was a necessary step in the process of rising again. Step by step on His journey Jesus moved toward His home. He could have simply preached down to us and told us what to do. Instead He went through the process we call life, and that has made all the difference. To get any process started you must begin. Is it time you walked through those doors? Is it time you took the next step in the process we call life?

Happy Easter! He lives!    :o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722