First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

How big is your God?

Linda Soller | Nov 16, 2015

Our book group is reading “Rare Bird” for the month of November. Author Anna Whiston Donaldson tells the story of her family’s struggle to deal with the loss of her son. It’s a moving story of faith in general, but one statement in particular caught my attention. She said before the tragedy her God was small, and now her God is big. She related the difference in the way she practiced her faith before and after, and the connection she felt to God. I sat there propped comfortably on my pillows with her book in my hand and thought, how big is my God?

Anyone can claim to believe, some share statements to let others know, like, “I prayed for…” But do they embrace their faith, or is God small and convenient? You know what I mean. Do you go to God when you want something from Him, but put Him on the shelf when things are going well? In the midst of asking for His help and support, do you ever ask Him what you can do for Him? Hey, I know we don’t traditionally think of God as needy, but do you stop and think of Him as deserving? Doesn’t He deserve our time and attention through the good and the bad? If we pray for Him to answer our pleas shouldn’t we expect Him to need us too?

This month in the Drop-In class we have been looking at the words to the song “Give Thanks with A Grateful Heart.” We talked about the power of God which we see demonstrated in our church and congregation. We see when God has touched hearts and moved people to action. While it is important to thank Him for all He does, we also need to ask what He needs us to do. Does He need us to attend more regularly, does He need us to volunteer for something new, does He need us to reach out to a stranger, or a friend who is hurting? If we don’t do these things we are making God small in our lives, good only for what He can do for us. We’re lucky He loves us so much and wants to take care of us, but ignoring when He calls us to action is making Him secondary to whatever we choose to do instead.

I closed the book for the night after reading those words to ponder the size of God in my life. It was an eye opening experience, and one I will never regret. So I leave you with a question, that only you can answer. How big is your God?

Have a great week! :o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722