First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

You just never know

Linda Soller | Oct 12, 2015

A week or so ago I received an email from a church friend who is out of town. I knew she would be out of town, but she has a lot going on in her life right now and honestly it never crossed my mind I would hear from her. She started by saying she always enjoys the blog. I thought that was a good start - :o)  She went on to say the one she just read particularly spoke to her and what was going on in her life. Now I’m not relaying this to sing the praises of my blog. Although I praise her for taking the time to send a nice note, something I wish I did more often. Everybody likes getting a thank you. I relay this story because you just never know when your actions will impact someone in a positive way.

Are you a person who says I will do this task because it will benefit me, or my group, or my company, etc? We all do things which we hope, if not expect, will have a positive impact. This is important because we are knowingly trying to do what think needs to be done. But how many times do you do something with no expectations of a specific result? Examples of such opportunities are everywhere. You are walking down the street. You make eye contact with a stranger, you could look away, but you smile, maybe say hello or nice day. You think you are just being polite. What if that very same person just got off a crowded subway where people pushed and shoved, and they were wondering why they put themselves through the grind, only to get your pleasant greeting. You may have changed their mindset, made their day, made them smile, you just never know. Simple gestures are powerful tools.

When I write my blog I will admit I think some are more meaningful than others. Sometimes I wonder if people will think I have lost my mind, or worse yet, wasted their time. When I simply put my stories out there for you to read I just never know how you will receive them. My friend took the time to email, and in a few lines let me know a particular blog really spoke to her. I was so touched, and so glad to know at least one person had related to my story of the week. What she did took only a few minutes, but in her current world every minute is packed full. I truly appreciated what she did. Her words impacted me for days, and lead to this blog. As she reads this I hope she is smiling because her thoughtfulness is now an example for others to follow. Call a friend, write a note, send a card or email, but take time to give of yourself, because you just never know where it will lead.

Have a great week! :o)  Linda

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722