First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

Time Enough

Linda Soller | Dec 01, 2014

It can be really crazy at work during a holiday week. It’s like everyone is trying to cram five days of work in to four, or three like last week. Somehow we all get through it, but if you aren’t careful it can really spoil your actual holiday. What is it about humans that we need to set and keep deadlines? I’m sure mankind has always had them, even if it was to hunt and gather food before you got hungry again. Advances in technology seem to come with tighter deadlines built in. It’s as though we feel we can squeeze every minute out of our day, which is difficult, and sometimes uncomfortable.

Despite all the technology out there to help us work more efficiently and effectively, the words “I don’t have time” are quick to come out of our mouths. This is particularly true when it comes to being charitable. Last week the local news station was conducting a food drive and the news lady said, “We have already gotten monetary donations, but we really need to fill our bins with food.” I’m pretty sure they were happy to have money, but what they really needed was food. The message they got from the public was I’m really busy and I don’t have the time to pick up a few extra things when I’m in the grocery store, so I’ll give you the money and let you do the leg work. Or the short version – my time is more valuable than yours. Is that how it is supposed to work, each of us placing so much value on our own time that we can discount the time of others. I don’t think any of us really want to feel that way.  

Sometimes when our church is having a special activity for the community, and I think “oh too bad I’m busy,” I have to catch myself to be sure that I really have a conflict, and it’s not just a desire to sit on the couch and watch PBS. It’s nearly an addiction, but that’s another topic. My point is that we make time for what we value. It may be sleep, or reading, or going out with friends, all perfectly fine and valuable activities, but who are we trying to kid. I think we are trying to kid ourselves. When there is time enough to do the things we love, then let’s face it there is time enough to share our love with those who need it. I see you rolling your eyes. You’ve heard it all before, the old generosity speech. Well if you’ve heard it why didn’t it sink in? I purpose it didn’t sink in because while someone, a parent, or teacher, some other wise and thoughtful person, was giving the speech you were thinking about all the things you wished you were doing other than listening.

Now here we are at the holidays, a time to think of others, as fleeting as those thoughts may be, and we need to keep one additional fact in mind. Fact is there are so many things that need doing in this world the excuse of “I don’t do.…” is just not going to fly. Not everyone works in a soup kitchen, or serves as a big brother, or volunteers as a tutor, or any one particular act of giving. In case you haven’t noticed there are all sorts of things you can do. There is bound to be something that lends itself to your skills or interests, and while it’s not all about you, it’s usually true we do a better job when we like what we are doing. I leave you with this final thought on the subject. There is time enough if you want there to be, the decision is yours, and the clock is ticking!

Have a great week!  :o)    Linda 

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722