First Baptist Church of Herndon

681 Elden St., Herndon, VA 20170-4722, Phone 703-437-3620

From Beginning to End

Linda Soller | Jun 09, 2014

How many times have you avoided starting a project because you couldn’t predict how long it might take? Maybe a better question is, how many times have you said no to an offer or request because you had a pretty good idea that it would keep going and going?  We often avoid an open ended task because we fear it will take over, or consume too much time. We know how hard it can be to walk away from something so we consider the ending in our decision making process. In fairness we should give serious consideration to opportunities. But I ask you to pause and think a moment of all the things you enjoy because someone was willing to start at the beginning without fearing the end.

For years a lovely lady at our church, Margaret, had brought in the flowers each Sunday. She loved flowers and grew many of the ones she used in her beautiful arrangements. When Margaret passed there was a time of panic. Who would take care of the flowers? People had temporarily filled in for Margaret, but she had been in charge of the flowers for years. Would the person who stepped forward have to do it for a long time, like Margaret? Eventually a committee formed and split up the work. It’s okay that it took a committee. What was important was that the job needed to get done. The people who gathered to begin the new flower committee, couldn’t see an end in sight. They felt certain the congregation would want flowers every week. They were willing to be part of the beginning, unsure of the end.

Noah faced a similar, although much more demanding, decision. God called Noah to build an Ark. This was not just any Ark, it had to meet precise measurements and would carry a very specific precious cargo. Once Noah accepted God’s call to build the Ark there could be no turning back. Noah faced a deadline, which had serious consequences if missed. We can only imagine the remarks that were made about Noah, to Noah, and to his family. It’s nearly impossible to appreciate the level of hard work and dedication his task required. To his credit, Noah’s faith guided him to begin the monumental job God called him to do. He saw his assignment through to the end. One could argue that knowing the expected result helped Noah decide. He was living in a world of wickedness, he was stepping out on faith that God’s objective was well worth the pain and time he knew it would take.

I don’t know about you, but Noah’s story humbles me. When I consider all the opportunities God sets before me I often take the Noah test. I made it up, and it’s pretty simple, just three questions. Do I have the skills to do this, as it needs to be done?  Am I willing and able to put forth the effort, and accept the result?  Will I honor its value by being willing to walk away when it’s time for new energy and new life? Our endeavors, especially those for God, deserve our best effort, but even so, not everything we do will be successful or enduring. When opportunity knocks, will you have the strength to begin? When you see it’s time to let go will you have the courage to accept the end?  There’s much we can do, much we should do, and opportunities abounding from beginning to end.

Have a great week!  :o)    Linda 

681 Elden St. Herndon
VA 20170-4722